Monday, October 24, 2011

Brain ::
Your Brain plays main part in your success or your downfall. Actually your post in society your wealth your wins your aura all are determined by your Brain so only finding the way for using it correctly to its potential you can let you have everything you want in your society in your world :: ..
Generally seeing, Brain has 2 halves right and left. Right Brain controls Left part of our body and Left Brain controls Right part. Both part of brain have their individual capability.. Thus every people use both brain parts with one dominating in it. This Decides our Character::
:: Generally Social Grade like Genius, Multitalented, Brilliant etc are calculated by TP

TP (Talent Promedio) [Brain Average]
TP (Talent Promedio) = (Right Brain active grade + Left Brain active grade)/2
“Calculating TP
AR = Average of IQ in right brain field / total
AL =  Average of IQ in left brain field / total
 TP = (AR + AL)/20 tensai [unit of TP]
Example:: we are comparing 2 people having equal Talent Promedio(Talent Promedio) then person Having equal developed brain in both his hemisphere is termed Multitalented and person having more affinity in one(either left or right) is called Bright(in that particular field).
Same as:: person having full talent in both the hemisphere with higher side TP is called Genius. (Sure Multitalented mind with high TP can be called Genius)
Some Practical Conditions
If u find A Problem and if u have high TP in that field then u will solve it at once but if your TP is low in that field u need some time:: u need to gain some number of failures or experience, this not only finds the solution to the problem but also experiences your mind and increase certain amount of TP in that field for future purpose. So every time you fail to get something easily, don’t be sad, understand that u need to collect TP on that field..
So in Real life context. Conditions are highly unfixed even u yourself might be unaware of your own weakness::
You may need TP in Math field
:: u may need it in Physics field
:: U may need it in Intellect field
:: u may need it in Logical field
:: u may need it in Art field
:: u may need it in Imagination field
:: u may need it in Social field
:: and you can help it...
Ya you need to take extra cure in that field in which you need extra TP but not only that there’s also another method called Simulation Condition.
Example:: you need TP in social field then. Through Society and experiences you can increase TP but every time it’s not practical thus you can use Simulation Condition.
Example:: For Pilots there’s 2 way of learning
1. Practical flying
2. Simulated flying.
same as we can also simulate situations for that conditions in which your brain’s TP is low in order to increase it and after certain Practice enter into the real world to test it or u can say Experience your victory in that field.. Because through experiments it’s proved that Simulation Condition (SC) really works.
Now let’s return to Normal part..
Thus try to think differently if you think a little differently if try Working and developing in TP and SC.. Then u can boost your brain level to unlimited..

There are many ways and examples for Boosting TP
and There are Even more teqnicues to make SC in real time situations which helps you to be Genius or Near it.
We are coming soon with More Experiments, Theories and Ways for becoming a Complete Genius.

Till then Activate Your Brain a Little 
[Brain Developing Games
Logical Games
Analytic Games
Memory Games etc]
Brain Games                                                                                         Brain Games
Suduko                                                                                                    Image Memmory
Suduko (PRO)                                                                                        Image In Order            
Netwalk                                                                                                  Analytic Game
Netwalk (PRO)                                                                                      Dragger Puzzle                        
Reversi                                                                                                   Rotate Puzzle
Line Rotate                                                                                            Spot Difference
Checkers                                                                                                Flip Memmory     
Speed Calculation +                                                                             Twin Col
Minesdetect                                                                                           Face Detect

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